An estimated 42.29 per cent of the 1.47 crore eligible voters cast their votes in the first eight hours till 4 PM on Saturday in the election for the 70-member Delhi Assembly.....

Delhi has recorded an estimated 27.48 per cent peaceful voter turnout till 1 p.m. on Saturday with 1.47 crore eligible voters expected to cast their votes in the election for the 70-member Delhi Assembly.....

The number of females per 1,000 males in the country has risen from 991 in 2015-16 to 1,020 in 2019-21, as per the Economic Survey tabled in the Parliament on Monday. ....

A unique initiative by Pune gynaecologist Ganesh Rakh to ‘Save Girl Child by waiving off all medical bills for a female child birth turned five years old on Tuesday and has become a national campaign.....

Jackal rescued from Delhi office, released in wild ....

US President Donald Trump is fixated on his employees attire and grooming habits -- preferring that women "dress like women", along with considerable scrutiny of mens ties, a media report said.....

More than 10,000 Saudi women have received mobile phone repairing training to improve the employment chances of females, the media reported on Monday.....

Females are more vulnerable to certain stress-related and allergic diseases such as migraines because of distinct differences found in mast cells, a type of white blood cell that is part of the immune system, says a study.....

Poor, populous Uttar Pradesh was the first state to have a female Chief Minister -- Sucheta Kriplani from 1963 to 1967 -- but this pioneering effort has not improved prospects for women in elections. ....

Turkey's Defence Ministry lifted the ban on female officers wearing the veil, media reported. ....